NS4260 Hybrid Warfare

This course explores the background, applicability, and relevance of US, NATO, and EU concepts of hybrid warfare. Conceptually hybrid warfare simultaneously blends modes of warfare, including use of conventional weapons, irregular tactics, terrorist acts, and criminal disorder. These multivariant activities are operationally directed within the battlespace to target vulnerabilities and achieve synergistic effects. Hybrid warfare has recently evolved to undermine an opponent through a variety of coercive and subversive acts to include by disinformation, proxy groups and economic or cyber means. This course analyzes in case studies the progression of hybrid warfare and the distinction from other forms such as compound warfare, fourth generation warfare and asymmetric warfare. It examines and debates the characteristics and capabilities of adversaries conducting hybrid warfare, then proposes novel strategies and change frameworks for the DoD/DoN, working with Allies and partners, to confront them.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours