EC4870 VLSI Systems Design
Introduction to the design and implementation of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) and Bipolar CMOS (BiCMOS) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) digital Integrated Circuits (ICs). Topics covered include the specification of the high-level functional design, the design, implementation, and simulation of low-level cells, floor planning and the assembly of low-level cells into the high-level design using hierarchical place-and-route techniques, circuit extraction and simulation for functional verification, timing analysis, and power estimation, and the principles of bulk CMOS, BiCMOS, and SOS/SOI IC fabrication. Applications of VLSI ICs in military systems are also covered. The course is centered around laboratory projects where student groups design, implement, simulate, and submit for fabrication, a full-custom CMOS or BiCMOS, VLSI IC. IC functionality is selected by each student group. A field trip to a commercial foundry and clean room tour is also included.
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours