EC4790 Cyber Architectures and Engineering
The course addresses the holistic design, analysis and integration of the three-tiered cyber architecture of the medium, network, and services. Interoperability and interconnection of heterogeneous networks are discussed. Service oriented architectures and service orchestration mechanisms to include such techniques as artificial intelligence, control theory, min-max algorithm and feedback analysis are introduced. Network centric services and system design for both wired and wireless platforms are emphasized. Tools such as WSDL and SoaML will be introduced. System availability calculations and quality of service issues at different levels of the system are discussed in-depth. Comprehensive approaches to security across all levels of the system-medium, network, and services-are analyzed. Development of network centric, distributed engineering applications will be considered for static as well as mobile services. Sensor networks, information fusion, and end-to-end services are studied.
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours