EC4220 Introduction to Analog VLSI

Modern active circuit design topologies; analog and sampled data networks. Analysis of transfer function properties, stability and causality. Higher order filter design and synthesis. Use of computer simulation tools, SPICE, and different device models for network analysis. Transformation methods and switched-capacitor filtering and non-filtering applications. Introduction to analog VLSI techniques using stray-insensitive switched-capacitor networks. Examples of such analog VLSI designs in military applications.


EC2400 and EC3200 or EC2200 with consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

·       To acquire a qualitative understanding of Modern active circuit design topologies; analog and sampled data networks.

·       Analysis of transfer function properties, stability and causality. Higher order filter design and synthesis.

·       Use of computer simulation tools, SPICE, and different device models for network analysis.

·       Transformation methods and switched-capacitor filtering and non-filtering applications. Introduction to analog VLSI techniques using stray-insensitive switched-capacitor networks.

·       Examples of such analog VLSI designs in military applications.