5.4.6 The Doctoral Research Proposal

(Approved May 5, 1995) (Amended January 25, 2012) (Amended October 28, 2020)

Once the Doctoral Research Proposal is approved by all members of the Dissertation Committee, theDepartmental Ph.D. Committee submits a request recommending that the Academic Council advance the student to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. Affirmative action by the Academic Council on this request will require that:

  1. a dissertation committee has been approved by the Academic Council;

  2. a dissertation supervisor and chair have been named by the departmental Ph.D. committee, and approved by the Academic Council;

  3. any minor, language, or computing requirements have been fulfilled;

  4. the written and oral qualifying examination have been taken and passed;

  5. the Doctoral Research Proposal has been approved by all committee members.

The distinct requirement of the doctorate is the successful completion of a scholarly investigation leading to the original and significant contribution to knowledge in the candidate's major area of study. The subject of the investigation must be approved by the dissertation committee, and must be submitted to the Council no later than the time of the request for advancement to candidacy.