5.4.2 Departmental Ph.D. Committee

(Approved May 5, 1995) (Amended January 25, 2012) (Amended January 29, 2020) (Amended October 28, 2020)

Each academic unit offering a Ph.D. degree must have a standing Ph.D. committee. It shall be the responsibility of the departmental Ph.D. committee to oversee the Ph.D. program for the academic unit. Among the duties of the departmental Ph.D. committee are the following:

  1. Ensuring that the Ph.D. program designed for each student conforms to the minimum requirements imposed by the Academic Council in this Manual.
  2. Determining any standing requirements, beyond those of the Academic Council, that must be fulfilled by all Ph.D. students in the academic units.
  3. Nominating, for approval by the Academic Council, the members of each Ph.D. student's dissertation committee, the dissertation supervisor, and certifying to the Council that the dissertation supervisor is qualified to hold that position.
  4. Overseeing the administration of the written and oral qualifying examinations for each Ph.D. student, and insuring that the nature of those examinations conform to the requirements of this Manual.
  5. Requesting that the Academic Council advance a student to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree upon approval of a dissertation committee, Doctoral Research Proposal, and successful completion of all screening, minor, language, computing, and qualifying requirements and exams.

Prior to the naming of a dissertation committee including a dissertation supervisor and chair, the departmental Ph.D. committee has the responsibility of supervising the student's program of study. After the naming of the dissertation committee and dissertation supervisor, the departmental Ph.D. committee retains the responsibility of overseeing the activities of the dissertation supervisor and the dissertation committee, maintaining quality control of the departmental Ph.D. program.

*In this Manual, "departmental" shall refer to anybody with the authority to recommend candidates for the Ph.D. degree, as approved by the Academic Council.