5.4.3 Selection of Dissertation Supervisor, Dissertation Chair, Dissertation Committee, and Doctoral Research Proposal
(Approved May 5, 1995)(Amended October 30, 2013)(Amended January 29, 2020)(Amended October 28, 2020)
The departmental Ph.D. committee nominates a dissertation committee, to be approved by the Academic Council. The departmental Ph.D. committee shall designate one or more members of the dissertation committee to be the dissertation supervisor, and the departmental Ph.D. committee must certify to the Academic Council that the individual(s) so named are qualified under the requirements of this Manual. The student, in conjunction with the dissertation supervisor, identifies a dissertation topic and submits a Dissertation Research Proposal which must be approved by the dissertation committee. The departmental Ph.D. committee also designates the member of the dissertation committee who shall serve as dissertation committee chair, if that person is to be different from the dissertation supervisor or if there are multiple dissertation supervisors.