2.2 Composition of the Council
(Approved February 16, 1994) (Amended January 25, 2012)
The Academic Council shall have membership representing:
- the administration of the School,
- representatives from each of the academic departments and academic groups,
- representatives from other academic units as designated by the Provost,
- representatives from other academic units as designated by the Council.
Membership requirements and election procedures are listed in the following sections.
2.2.1 Officers from the School At Large
(Approved February 16, 1993) (Amended January 12, 2007) (Amended January 25, 2012)
- Provost
- Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Dean of Students
- Director of Programs
- Chair of Faculty Scholarship committee
- Registrar, non-voting member
2.2.2 Officers from Academic Units
(Approved February 16, 1994) (Amended December 5, 2001) (Amended January 12, 2007) (Amended January 25, 2012)
In addition, there shall be membership on the Council from each of the following academic units:
A. Academic Departments
- Applied Mathematics Department
- Computer Science Department
- Defense Analysis Department
- Department of Defense Management
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
- Information Sciences Department
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
- Meteorology Department
- National Security Affairs Department
- Oceanography Department
- Operations Research Department
- Physics Department
- Systems Engineering Department
B. Academic Groups
- Cyber Academic Group
- Space Systems Academic Group
- Undersea Warfare Academic Group
C. Academic Committees
- Systems Engineering & Analysis Curriculum Committee
- Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation Academic Committee
Members of each academic unit shall elect from among their own number a representative and an alternate to the Academic Council. Nominees for these positions shall be approved by the responsible academic unit Chair prior to such election. The academic unit Chair and visiting faculty shall not be eligible to serve as Academic Council representative or alternate. If the Representative and alternate are both absent then the academic unit Chair can elect a temporary alternate.
Both the representative and alternate shall serve concurrent three-year terms. Terms shall be staggered so that approximately one-third of the elected membership will rotate each year. Representatives may be reelected by their academic units.
If a representative is unable to complete his/her term of office, the academic unit shall hold an election to replace the representative. The new representative shall start a new three-year term upon election.
2.2.3 Alternates
(Amended January 25, 2012)
No individual may serve as representative for two activities simultaneously.
The alternate, in the case of temporary absence of a representative, shall replace that representative at Academic Council meetings. Alternates shall have all the rights and responsibilities of regular representatives.
The Faculty Scholarship Committee may likewise select an alternate to serve in the temporary absence of its Chair.