Principles of Analytical Management Certificate - Curriculum 202 (DL)
Academic Associate
Geraldo Ferrer, Ph.D., Professor
Ingersoll Hall, Room 321
(831) 656-3290
Program Director
Christina Hart, Ph.D.
Code MN, Ingersoll Hall, Room 334
(831) 656-6269, DSN 756-6269
Brief Overview
This program is closed to new admissions. DDM Operations and Logistics Management faculty designed this certificate to equip students with the fundamental tools for management based on rigorous analytical methods.
It is designed for both civilian and military managers who are looking to upgrade and update their managerial and analytical skills.
Upon completion of the certificate, students will be able to:
- analyze data to inform and support managerial decisions,
- design and analyze business processes, and
- apply quantitative decision-making tools to develop solutions in defense business contexts.
Four-Quarter Certificate (1 course/quarter)
This certificate requires the completion of four courses (at least 12 credits) that were not counted for another certificate.
The following courses are required:
GE3040 Statistics for Executive Management
GE3042/GB3042/MN3442 Process Analytics
GE4043 Business Modeling and Analysis
The following courses are elective. Students should take at least one of them:
GE3010 Organizations as Systems and Structures
MN4474 Organizational Analysis
GE3050 Financial Reporting and Analysis
GE3070 Economics for Defense Managers
MN4460 Business Risk Management
MN3301 Acquisition of Defense Systems