Department of Applied Mathematics


Ralucca Gera, Ph.D.
Code MA, Spanagel Hall, Room 260

(831) 656-2230, DSN 756-2230

Fax: (831) 656-2355

Associate Chairman for Student Programs

Carlos F. Borges, Ph.D.
Code MA, Spanagel Hall, Room 240A

(831) 656-2124, DSN 756-2124 

Associate Chairman for Research

Lucas Wilcox
Spanagel Room 238B

(831)656-3249, DSN 756-3249


* The year of joining the Naval Postgraduate School faculty is indicated in parentheses.

Anthony Austin, Assistant Professor (2019); Ph.D., University of Oxford, UK, 2016.

Carlos F. Borges, Professor (1991); Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1990.

Jong Chung, Lecturer (2018); Ph.D., Naval Postgraduate School, 2013. 

Christopher Frenzen, Professor (1989); Ph.D., University of Washington, 1982.

Ralucca Gera, Professor (2005); Ph.D., Western Michigan University, 2005.

Frank Giraldo, Distinguished Professor (2006); Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1995.

Hongde Hu, Lecturer (2018); Ph.D., McGill University, 1992.

Wei Kang, Professor and Chair (1994); Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1991.

Arthur Krener, Research Professor (2006); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1971.

Thor Martinsen, CDR, USN, Assistant Professor and Associate Chair for Student Programs (2012); Ph.D., Naval Postgraduate School, 2017.

Clyde Scandrett, Professor (1987); Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1985.

Gabriela Stanica, Lecturer (2012); MA SUNY Buffalo, 1999.

Pantelimon Stanica, Professor (2006); Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998.

Lucas Wilcox, Associate Professor (2012); Ph.D., Brown University, 2006.

Hong Zhou, Professor (2004); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1996.

Professors Emeriti:

Donald A. Danielson, Professor Emeritus (1985); Ph.D., Harvard University, 1968.

Fariba Fahroo, Professor Emeritus (1992); Ph.D., Brown University, 1991.

Richard Franke, Professor Emeritus (1970); Ph.D., University of Utah, 1970.

Harold M. Fredricksen, Professor Emeritus (1980); Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1968.

Toke Jayachandran, Professor Emeritus (1967); Ph.D., Case Institute of Technology, 1967.

Beny Neta, Professor Emeritus, (1985); Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1977.

Guillermo Owen, Distinguished Professor Emeritus (1983); Ph.D., Princeton University, 1962.

Craig Rasmussen, Professor Emeritus (1991); Ph.D., University of Colorado at Denver, 1990.

Arthur L. Schoenstadt, Professor Emeritus (1970); Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1968.

* The year of joining the Naval Postgraduate School faculty is indicated in parentheses.

Brief Overview

As well as the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs in Applied Mathematics, the Applied Mathematics Department offers individually tailored minor programs for many of the school's doctoral students. The majority of the department instructional—effort is devoted to the service courses offered.


Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

In order to enter a program leading to the degree Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, the prospective student is strongly advised to possess either a Bachelor degree with a major in mathematics or a strong mathematical orientation in a Bachelor degree in another discipline.

Any program that leads to the degree Master of Science in Applied Mathematics for a student who has met the entrance criteria must contain:

  1. A minimum of 32 quarter-hours of graduate-level (3000-4000 numbered) courses with a minimum QPR of 3.0. The program specifications must be approved by the Chairman of the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Academic Associate. The program is subject to the general conditions specified in the Academic Council Policy Manual as well as the following:
  2. A student must complete or validate the four 1000 level calculus sequence and the introductory courses in linear algebra and discrete mathematics.
  3. The program must include at least 16 hours in 3000 level mathematics courses and 16 hours of approved 4000 level mathematics courses.
  4. Courses in Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Analysis, and upper division Discrete Mathematics are specifically required, and those at the 3000 level or above may be applied toward requirement (2).
  5. An acceptable thesis is required. The Department of Applied Mathematics permits any student pursuing a dual degree to write a single thesis meeting the requirements of both departments, subject to the approval of the Chairmen and Academic Associates of both departments.

In addition to the core courses required in item (3), the program allows the student to select an applied subspecialty option from the following list: applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computation, discrete mathematics, operations research, theoretical mathematics, and intelligence.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Department of Applied Mathematics offers the Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics degree. Areas of specialization will be determined by the department on a case by case basis. Requirements for the degree include course work followed by an examination in both major and minor fields of study, and research culminating in an approved dissertation. It may be possible for the dissertation research to be conducted off-campus in the candidate's sponsoring organization.

Entrance into the program will ordinarily require a master's degree, although exceptionally well-prepared students with a bachelor's degree in mathematics may be admitted. A preliminary examination may be required to show evidence of acceptability as a doctoral student. Prospective students should contact the Chairman of the Applied Mathematics Department or the Academic Associate for further guidance.

Minor in Applied Mathematics

Ph.D. students from another department can qualify for a minor in mathematics by taking at least four mathematics courses at the 3000 or 4000 level; at least three of these must be at the 4000 level. The QPR for courses taken toward the minor requirement must be at least 3.5. The courses taken should constitute a coherent minor program, and must be approved by the Academic Associate for the Department of Applied Mathematics. The use of reading courses to satisfy the requirement is strongly discouraged.


Prerequisites are as described in the course descriptions. If a student has not taken the prescribed prerequisites at NPS, then a validation examination by the Applied Mathematics Department may be substituted.

Applied Mathematics Course Descriptions

MA Courses

MO Courses