SS4856 Rendezvous and Proximity Operations

The objectives of this course are to synthesize the principles necessary to accomplish a rendezvous mission, comprehend proximity operations and associated key implementation issues, and analyze the elements of proximity operations activities. The need for rendezvous and different space control applications for orbital rendezvous will be discussed, and the constraints and trades in such maneuvers will be introduced. Rendezvous techniques, as well as ground-up and day-of-launch rendezvous, will also be covered in this course. The course will culminate in applying guidance and control strategies, including feedback information, for rendezvous and proximity operations activities in a final exam or project. Classification: TOP SECRET clearance with access to SCI.


SS3500 and SS3600, or instructor consent.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Security Clearance Required

  • Top Secret SCI

Course Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of SS4856 students will have the following knowledge and skills/abilities:



·       Students shall be familiar with the history of select RPO activities to contextualize understanding of the space control imperatives of the capability.

·       Students shall be able to identify the governing equations for rendezvous and proximity operations (CW, Hills).

·       Students shall be able to describe the various types of orbital rendezvous.

·       Students shall be able to describe the various types of orbital proximity operations.

·       Students shall examine and describe the role Space Situational Awareness (SSA) plays in the ability to conduct Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO).

·       Students shall examine classified space control content for RPO.

·       Students shall be able to describe the methods for generating orbit determination solutions.

·       Students shall be able to describe how sensors of various phenomenologies can contribute to RPO missions.



·       Students shall be able to manipulate the governing equations for orbital maneuver, rendezvous, and proximity operations; and compute required maneuvers to enter desired orbits.

·       Students shall demonstrate an understanding of RPO activities by communicating an example real-world RPO mission or thesis work.