SS3600 Space Systems Modeling and Simulation

SS3600 provides students with knowledge of modeling and simulation theory and the ability to apply space systems modeling and simulation tools to real world problems. Concepts covered include the development and applicability of models and simulations, with a focus on specific space applications. Students will apply these concepts through laboratory exercises and a project to simulate an end-to-end space architecture, evaluate system performance, and compare alternative solutions.


SS3400 and SS3500, or permission of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Recall key principles of modeling and simulation theory as they apply to space systems, including the understanding of how these principles support the development and applicability of models in space exploration and satellite technology.
  • Explain the functionality and applications of the Systems Toolkit (STK) in basic satellite design and the role of model-based systems engineering in simplifying complex space system designs.
  • Apply the STK/Matlab interface to calculate orbital lifetime scenarios and understand the implications of these scenarios for satellite design and mission planning.
  • Analyze satellite communication systems by simulating various operational environments in STK, including the impact of factors such as SATCOM jamming and GPS jamming on system performance.
  • Evaluate the performance of different satellite configurations and orbit designs using STK to identify optimal solutions for specific mission objectives, demonstrating an understanding of trade-offs and constraints in satellite design.
  • Design and implement a simulation project that models an end-to-end space architecture, utilizing STK and other modeling tools to simulate system operations, assess system performance, and identify potential improvements.
  • Critique the applicability and limitations of current modeling and simulation tools and methodologies in space systems engineering, proposing areas for innovation and future research based on observed gaps.
  • Integrate knowledge of space surveillance networks into simulation projects, assessing the impact of surveillance capabilities and limitations on space system design and operation.
  • Demonstrate teamwork and communication skills by collaborating with peers on a group project to simulate a complex space system, including the division of tasks, integration of individual components into a coherent system, and presentation of findings.
  • Synthesize course concepts to compare and contrast alternative solutions for a given space system problem, leveraging simulation results to support recommendations and demonstrating an understanding of the comprehensive impact of system design decisions on mission success.