SS3500 Orbital Mechanics and Launch Systems

Provides a fundamental understanding of Orbital Mechanics through study of conic sections, coordinate systems, coordinate transformations, and time. Calculation of orbital elements of the two-body problem is covered. Other Orbital Mechanics topics include: Newton's laws, Kepler's equation, orbital perturbations, and orbital maneuvering, including rendezvous and proximity operations. Launch systems topics include: the rocket equation, single and multi-stage rockets, launch windows, launch profiles, ascent and payload delivery performance, and mission design. Supporting lab work utilizes the Satellite Tool Kit (STK) as an orbit analysis tool. The use of Excel and / or MATLAB for solving problems is encouraged. Prerequisites: college level algebra, geometry, trigonometry, logarithms and physics.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the physics of orbital motion.
  • Define and describe the parameters used to define an orbit.
  • Given a list of orbital elements, describe the associated orbit and the possible/likely operational uses of the orbit.
  • Explain the basic orbital regimes and their associated advantages and disadvantages relative to space-based missions.
  • List common orbital perturbations and describe how they hinder or help mission performance.
  • Given a specific orbit, explain the relevant perturbations.
  • Given measurements, derive the associated orbital elements and describe the orbit.
  • Calculate how to launch into a particular orbit and how to change from one orbit to another.