SS3001 Military Applications of National Space Systems

Space Systems and technologies of interest to the military. Strategic and tactical imagery and SIGINT requirements. Tasking and use of national space systems and ground support elements. Vulnerability considerations and impact of current R&D programs. Requires TOP SECRET clearance with access to SCI.


SS3400 or SS3500; PH3052

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Security Clearance Required

  • Top Secret SCI

Course Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of SS3001 students will have the following knowledge and skills/abilities:


  • Students shall describe the roles and responsibilities of organizations within the intelligence community; specifically, the role each organization plays in the Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (TCPED) processes.
  • Students shall understand how the defense agencies within the intelligence community execute their missions for both the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Secretary of Defense (SecDef).
  • Students shall describe how national systems apply the physics of remote sensing.
  • Students shall describe the physics which underlies geolocation.
  • Students shall list and describe the products provided by national systems.
  • Students shall list the national systems and their general capabilities by payload and orbit.
  • Students shall list and describe the various intelligence disciplines derived from space systems.
  • Students shall describe the national systems architecture, the organizations within it, and how the components of the architecture support mission accomplishment.


  • Students shall visualize the orbits of, and capabilities provided by national systems.
  • Students shall calculate the geolocation accuracy derived from passive remote sensing systems.
  • Students shall analyze the national systems architecture for defensive space operations.
  • Students shall leverage and operate NRO tools to support military operations.