MR4322 Dynamic Meteorology

Pressure coordinates, quasi-geostrophic scale analysis, perturbation method; solutions of equations of motion for sound, gravity and synoptic waves; baroclinic and barotropic instability; energetics; geostrophic adjustment.


MR3420, OC3321, calculus and ordinary differential equations

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

• Ability to recognize links between the differential equations derived and the atmospheric processes represented by these equations.


• Ability to identify and understand various wave motions pertinent for mid-latitude atmospheric flows.


• Ability to explain what potential vorticity is and why it is useful in dynamic meteorology.


• Understanding of the quasi-geostrophic framework and its usefulness as a tool for diagnosing large-scale tropospheric flows in mid-latitudes.


• Dynamical understanding of baroclinic and barotropic instability.