MR4241 Mesoscale Meteorology

Descriptive and physical understanding of subsynoptic-scale weather systems including fronts, squall lines, mesoscale convective systems, tornadoes, etc., and their relation to the synoptic-scale environment. Applications to short-range and local-area forecasting utilizing satellite and numerical-model products relevant to mesoscale weather phenomena.


MR3230, MR4322 with consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes


• Develops observational knowledge and understanding of atmospheric motions on sub-synoptic space and time scales.


• Applies dynamical and thermodynamical principles to sub-synoptic-scale motion systems and convective-scale motion systems, as well as their coupling to the underlying boundary layer. 


• Applies observations and theoretical models where appropriate to dry and moist convective dynamics in the atmosphere. Special focus on flows impacting DoD, such as explosive middle latitude cyclones, fronts, tornadic thunderstorms and tropical cyclones.