MN4912 Multivariate Data Analysis

This course introduces concepts and skills that are necessary to use data for inference, prediction, and to identify causal relationships. Students will build on skills and analytic techniques which were introduced in MN3911 and they will use real-world DoD data and managerially relevant examples. Topics include linear and logistic regression, sampling distributions, estimation, prediction and hypothesis testing and study design.


MN3911 or consent of course coordinator

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Turn multi-dimensional data into useable information and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Use sample data to make inferences about a larger population, including estimating linear relationships.
  • Formulate and test hypotheses about a larger population.
  • Understand and describe the role of variability in using data to inform decisions.
  • Interpret and understand the limitations of analyses performed by others.
  • Formulate a question that can be answered using data, and design a plan to collect informative data, following best practices.