MN4761 Applied Manpower Analysis

This course examines various Navy and DoD manpower issues and policies using different quantitative techniques. The manpower issues examined include predicting outcomes and analyzing policies related to recruiting, attrition, reenlistment, and other manpower outcomes. Students will further develop skills to properly scrutinize empirical studies and develop sound empirical analysis.


MN4110 and MN4760



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will:

  • Understand and explain key manpower and personnel policies that affect the life cycle of enlisted service members and officers, from recruitment through retirement.
  • Correctly interpret results from academic literature and technical reports that address manpower and personnel topics.
  • Critically evaluate examples in the literature on manpower policies, both in terms of conceptual framework (e.g., does the policy design offer the right incentives) and empirical analysis (e.g., does the study design estimate credible effects of the policy? If yes, how? If no, how does it fall short?).
  • Replicate empirical findings of existing applied manpower studies.