MN4366 Defense Acquisition Case Studies

This course provides the student with knowledge and understanding of major systems management control processes and tools, application of program management control systems and the use of computer-based management information systems with strategic media choices so as to develop effective media campaigns, interact effectively with the print and broadcast news media, and handle press conferences and similar media events. Particular attention is focused on anticipating and handling crisis communication. Specifically, students will learn to organize crisis management teams, develop crisis management plans, and create communication plans to manage information and public perception. Case studies involving program management problem solving and decision making in the acquisition environment are used.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • To demonstrate student inquiry and higher level, critical thinking by identifying, analyzing, and evaluating program management control and policy issues from multiple perspectives.
  • To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of program management life cycle, its phases and processes.
  • To identify and interpret the underlying statute, regulation, and acquisition policy.
  • To recognize, analyze and assess the problems and issues facing the program manager, Program Management Office personnel, and senior defense acquisition managers.
  • To differentiate and evaluate the processes involved in policy formulation and execution in the defense acquisition environment and how to influence these processes while serving as senior Program Management Office team leaders.
  • To assess the business and operating concepts essential to effective program management at the PMO level and revise to an evolving defense acquisition environment.
  • To use business acumen and program management best practices to formulate effective acquisition solutions.
  • To recognize and interpret the ethical considerations in acquisition program management.
  • To explain and understand the challenges facing multi-service or joint acquisition programs.
  • To demonstrate the ability to effectively implement acquisition strategies.