9.4 Proposal Procedures

(Amended May 18, 2022)

Proposals for new academic certificate programs must include a list of required courses and rationale for offering the certificate. Proposals must be submitted to the Academic Council six months in advance of the anticipated date of first student's completion of the new certificate program.

Proposals for new academic certificate programs shall describe how the program accords with recognized standards and best practices (for example, the "Good Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Program" promulgated by the regional accreditation commissions). In particular,

  1. A proposed academic certificate shall describe the learning outcomes for the certificate, and the manner in which the outcomes constitute a coherent and self-contained body of knowledge.
  2. A proposal for an electronically offered academic certificate shall include an evaluation strategy for sustained, evidence-based and participatory inquiry to assess whether the program is achieving its objectives and for continual improvement. The strategy shall include provisions for:
    1. Documented assessment of student achievement by comparing student performance to intended learning outcomes,
    2. Measures to determine overall program effectiveness,
    3. Evaluation in the context of the regular evaluation of all academic programs.

Proposals for an academic certificate must be endorsed by the appropriate academic unit chairs for appropriate content and for supportability, especially with respect to funds, space and facilities, and faculty availability.