8.1.2 Modifying an Existing Course

(Amended May 19, 2021) (Amended May, 2022)

Modification to an existing course requires approval of the Course Review Committee. With the exception of minor modifications, as described below, the procedure for requesting a modification is similar to 8.1.1 above. The course syllabus is not required unless specifically requested by the Course Review Committee.

The Academic Council delegates to the Office of Academic Administration authority to make minor modifications such as changing quarters offered, changing security clearance, correction of spelling, typographical, or grammatical errors.

Course modification may include a request to cross-list a course in question with another existing course offered by another department – in this case, the justification should include rationale for doing this and a mechanism to ensure that cross-listed courses offer the same content in the future (e.g., establishing an  interdepartmental committee). In the case of a course cross-listing request, the approval chain must include the Chairs of all affected academic units.