7.8.1 General Provisions for a Dual Degree with a Partnering Institution

Dual degree programs are expected to be designed and operated in conformity with the Standards of Accreditation and relevant policies of each respective institution’s accrediting body (WASC/ACSCU for NPS). A partnering institution within the United States must be accredited by a U.S. Department of Education-approved accrediting agency. An international partnering institution must substantially meet the standards of WASC accreditation, as determined by the Academic Council. Dual degrees will not be awarded for substantially the same body of work. NPS will not offer a dual degree program with a partnering institution for which the student is awarded two degrees of the same name for completion of what would normally be the course of study for one degree (e.g., a Master of Business Administration from NPS and a second MBA from another institution for the same set of 30 to 36 semester units that would normally lead to a single MBA). An approved dual degree program may result in awarding two degrees with the same name provided that the degree program complies with the provisions of this policy and the WASC/ACSCU Standards of Accreditation, that the degree program is sufficiently extensive and unique in design, and that it exceeds the amount of academic work typically required for a single degree at either institution.

All dual degree programs must have a clear written agreement between NPS and the partnering institution that outlines the plan to offer, monitor, and assess the dual degree program. That agreement must be submitted to the AC for review, as a part of the approval process.

Considerations for developing a dual degree program which should be addressed in such written agreements include:

  • Which courses, if any, will be counted towards both degrees. In no case will the total number of double counted and transferred course credits exceed 25% of the required course credits for the degree received from either institution.
  • The program should be consistent with NPS and the partnering institution’s mission and educational objectives.
  • The degree awarded should represent a coherent course of study that is in keeping with the quality of other degree programs offered by NPS and the partnering institution. Sound practices are employed for the award of credit at each institution.
  • Appropriate program level, course content, and standards are established and periodically evaluated at each partnering institution.
  • Appropriate student learning outcomes, expectations for student achievement, and means to assess student achievement are established.
  • Sufficient and qualified faculty and staff are available to execute the agreed on instructional and administrative responsibilities at each partnering institution.
  • Provisions for institutional quality assurance processes, including program review, are applied.