5.2.6 Restoring a Lapsed Master's Candidacy
(Amended June 9, 2021 and renumbered - previously 7.5.1, Incomplete Degrees: Thesis Extensions.)
The following procedures apply in any case where a student has allowed their master’s degree candidacy to expire.
1. The student must submit a request for candidacy reinstatement to the appropriate academic unit.
2. The academic unit chair shall submit to the Academic Council a recommendation to approve or disapprove reinstatement. The recommendation must include at a minimum:
a) The student’s formal request for reinstatement.
b) The chair’s explanation of events resulting in the expiration of candidacy, including a delineation of remaining academic work required to complete the degree.
c) The chair’s recommendation to approve or disapprove the request.
d) Endorsement of the approval or disapproval from the student’s service or organization sponsor
e) Endorsement of approval/disapproval from any and all instructors or advisors that may be involved in the student’s delinquent work. In the case of approval, these endorsements must include a detailed timeline for completion.
3. The Academic Council decides whether to accept, reject or approve a modification to the academic unit’s recommendation.