3.2 Agenda and Timing of Meetings

(Approved February 16, 1993) (Amended January 17, 2007) (Amended January 25, 2012) (Amended May 18, 2022)

Meetings of the Council shall be held at least twice per quarter. Meeting dates, previous meeting minutes, and agenda will be circulated to:

  1. Council Representatives
  2. Program Officers
  3. Academic Associates
  4. Academic Unit Chairs
  5. Vice Provost of Academic Leadership

no later than one week prior to Council meetings.

The agenda of meetings of the Council will follow the following outline:

  1. roll call and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting;
  2. communications, including requests for inclusion of items on future agenda;
  3. old business;
  4. new business:
    1. reports of ad hoc committees;
    2. reports of standing committees;
    3. other new business;
  5. adjournment.

Business items may be disposed in one of the following ways:

  1. approval with or without amendment;
  2. disapproval;
  3. tabled or referred.

Tabled items will appear as old business at the next meeting.