Manpower Systems Analysis - Curriculum 847
Program Officer
Madeleine Fuentes, CDR, USN
Code MN, Ingersoll Hall, Room 220
(831) 656-7793, DSN 756-7793
Academic Associate
Marigee Bacolod, Ph.D.
Ingersoll Hall, Room 243
(831) 656-3302, DSN 756-3302
Brief Overview
The Manpower Systems Analysis Curriculum (MSA) leading to the MSM degree is designed for U.S. and international officers. Officers enrolled in the Manpower Systems Analysis curriculum at the Naval Postgraduate School undertake the challenge of an academic program designed to fill leadership and analytical roles in military manpower personnel, training, and education management. MSA subspecialists are responsible for developing and analyzing policies to ensure that the Navy and DoD are recruiting, training, utilizing and retaining personnel in the most efficient and effective ways possible. MSA is an analytical curriculum intended to develop skills necessary to perform and evaluate manpower analyses and manage the Navy's Human Resource community of interest. As such, the curriculum emphasizes mathematical, statistical, and other quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. Successful completion of the curriculum yields an officer skilled in conducting manpower personnel, training, and education policy analysis. The areas covered in the MSA curriculum include an understanding of manpower, personnel, training, education policy development, managing diversity, compensation systems, enlistment supply and retention models, manpower training models, manpower requirements determination processes, career mix, enlistment and reenlistment incentives, training effectiveness measures, and hardware/manpower trade-offs. Students gain familiarity with current models and methods of manpower analysis and economics as well as military manpower organizations, information systems and issues. The curriculum directly supports the Navy Human Resource Community of Interest.
Competency: Our graduates will be able to analyze military manpower or personnel problems.
Requirements for Entry
A baccalaureate degree with above-average grades is required. Completion of at least two semesters of college algebra or trigonometry is considered to be the minimum mathematical preparation. Additional preparation in calculus and statistics is advisable. An APC of 345 is required for entry. International students should refer to the Admissions section for current TOEFL and entrance requirements. Prospective students electing MSA as a curriculum must be adequately prepared by their undergraduate course work and comfortably oriented to a quantitatively and analytically rigorous graduate curriculum.
Program Length
Seven quarters
Requirements for the Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree are met en route to satisfying the Educational Skills Requirements.
Completion of this curriculum qualifies an officer as a Manpower Systems Analysis Subspecialist, subspecialty code 3130P. U.S. Marine Corps officers completing this curriculum fulfill the requirements for MOS 8840.
Curriculum Sponsors
OPNAV, N-1, Chief of Naval Personnel
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Headquarters - United States Marine Corps
Typical Subspecialty Jobs
Military Personnel Policy and Career Progression (N13)
Joint Manpower Management Branch, JCS (J-1)
Manpower Resources Branch, Director Total Force Programming/Manpower (N12)
Manpower and Training Analyst, DCNO (Resources, Warfare Requirements and Assessment (N801D)
Naval Manpower Analysis Center (NAVMAC)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, BUMED
Marine Corps MCCDC and M&RA
Headquarters - United States Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA)
Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC)
Typical Course of Study: Curriculum 847
All U.S. Marine Corps students are required to take MN4015, MN4128, and OA4801 in lieu of curriculum electives.
Quarter 1
MN3010 | Leading Innovative Organizations and People | | 4 | 0 |
MN3070 | Fundamentals of Cost Benefit Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
MN2039 | Basic Quantitative Methods in Management | | 4 | 0 |
MN3056 | Financial and Managerial Accounting | | 4 | 0 |
Quarter 2
MN3040 | Data Management and Statistics for Manpower Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
MN4071 | Advanced Economic and Defense Policy Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
MN2111 | Navy Manpower, Personnel, and Training Systems I | | 2 | 0 |
MN4115 | Foundations of Education and Learning in DoD Organizations | | 3 | 0 |
Quarter 3
MN4053 | Defense Budget and Financial Management Policy | | 4 | 0 |
MN4760 | Manpower Economics I | | 4 | 0 |
MN4110 | Multivariate Manpower Data Analysis I | | 4 | 1 |
NW3230 | Strategy and War | | 4 | 2 |
Quarter 4
MN4014 | Competitive Strategy and Innovation | | 4 | 0 |
MN4111 | Multivariate Manpower Data Analysis II | | 4 | 1 |
MN3111 | Analysis of Human Resource Management | | 4 | 0 |
MN3301 | Acquisition of Defense Systems | | 4 | 0 |
Quarter 5
MN4119 | Navy Manpower Requirements Process | | 3 | 0 |
| -or- | | | |
MN4130 | Marine Manpower Management | | 3 | 0 |
| | | | |
OS4701 | Manpower and Personnel Models | | 4 | 0 |
MN4761 | Applied Manpower Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
MN2112 | Seminar in Manpower, Personnel, and Training Issues II | | 2 | 0 |
NW3275 | Joint Maritime Operations - part 1 | | 4 | 0 |
Quarter 6
MN0810 | Thesis Research for Systems Management Students | | 0 | 8 |
MN4106 | Manpower/Personnel Policy Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
NW3276 | Joint Maritime Operations - part 2 | | 2 | 2 |
ELECT | Elective | | | |
Quarter 7
MN0810 | Thesis Research for Systems Management Students | | 0 | 8 |
MN0810 | Thesis Research for Systems Management Students | | 0 | 8 |
MN0810 | Thesis Research for Systems Management Students | | 0 | 8 |
NW3285 | Theater Security Decision Making | | 4 | 0 |
NW3275, NW3276, NW3230, NW3285: Not required for International students, US Army or USAF. International students take American Life and Institutions (IT1500) and Communication Skills for International Officers (IT1600) in quarters 1 and 2. USN students can complete JPME by taking four Naval War College courses.
Course Elective Options
MN4128 | Advanced Topics in Manpower Policy Evaluation | | 3 | 0 |
OA3411 | Introduction to Human Systems Integration | | 3 | 0 |
MN3400 | Critical Thinking for Strategic Leadership | | 4 | |
MN3441 | Tools for Managerial Data Analysis | | 4 | 0 |
MN4011/GC4011 | Ethical Leadership in Public Organizations | | 3 | 2 |
MN4015 | Management of Change | | 4 | 0 |
MN4043 | Business Modeling and Analysis | | 3 | 0 |
MN4440 | Simulation Modeling for Management Decision Making | | 4 | 0 |
MN4480 | Supply Chain Management | | 3 | |
IS3210 | Information and Knowledge Management Issues in Defense | | 4 | 0 |
IS4520 | Systems Thinking and Modeling for a complex World | | 4 | 0 |
MV4002 | Simulation and Training | | 4 | 1 |
NW3230 | Strategy and War | | 4 | 2 |
Educational Skills Requirements (ESR)
Manpower Systems Analysis - Curriculum 847 Subspecialty Code 3130P
- Budgeting and Financial Controls: The graduate will have an understanding of basic financial management practices of DoN/DoD and will be able to conduct cost benefit analyses and participate in the budgetary planning of commands and/or DoN programs. The graduate will have an understanding of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting Execution System (PPBES) and the ability to analyze the impact of budgetary changes on DoN/DoD manpower and personnel programs and policies.
- Automated Data Analysis: The graduate will possess the skills in data manipulation, statistics, and exploratory data analysis to be able to formulate and execute analyses of a wide variety of manpower, personnel, and training issues. The graduate will have proficiency in computing and interactively apply a variety of methods to large-scale DoN and DoD databases. The graduate will have a working understanding of the manpower information systems.
- Management Fundamentals - Analytical Techniques: The graduate will be able to apply mathematical, statistical, accounting, economic and other analytical techniques and concepts to day-to-day military management issues. The graduate will be able to gather and analyze qualitative data. The graduate will also be able to use these techniques and concepts as a participant in the long-range strategic planning efforts of the Navy and DoD.
- Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: The graduate will have the ability to apply a wide range of advanced organizational, economics, statistical, and mathematical techniques and concepts to manpower and personnel policies and issues. These include the use of econometric techniques in the quantitative analysis of large-scale DoN/DoD manpower and personnel databases, of qualitative techniques in the analysis of survey and personnel data, of manpower decision support systems, and of Markov models in the analysis of force structure and manpower planning, forecasting, and flow models.
- Manpower Systems Analysis Fundamental Concepts: The graduate will have an understanding of the fundamental concepts and basic functional areas of manpower, personnel, training, and education (MPT&E) within DoN/DoD as listed below, as well as an understanding of the MPT&E systems and their interrelationships.
- Manpower: Requirements determination; billet authorizations; billet costs; end strength planning; and total force planning and programming.
- Personnel: Recruiting; accession plans and policies; officer and enlisted community management; attrition; retention; compensation; and readiness.
- Training: Applications of theories of learning; instructional technologies; the systems approach to training; evaluation of training effectiveness and cost; and the relationship between training and fleet readiness.
- Manpower Systems Policy Analysis: The graduate will have the ability to analyze critically the strengths and weaknesses of proposed manpower, personnel, and training policies and to suggest alternatives that recognize the potential impact on DoN/DoD program planning, resources, and objectives.
- Joint Military Strategic Planning: The graduate will have an understanding of the development and execution of military strategy, the effects of technical developments on warfare, and the processes for formulating U.S. policy, the roles of military forces, joint planning, and current issues in the defense organization. This understanding will include expertise on the combined use of active and reserve forces in joint warfare.
- Evaluation, Innovation, and Creativity: The graduate will demonstrate individual initiative and creativity in the application of the skills and knowledge gained from the Manpower Systems Analysis program. The graduate will select a manpower, personnel, training, or education policy or management issue of importance to DoN/DoD, develop a plan to investigate the issue, analyze all of its aspects, suggest a solution as appropriate, and report the significant findings and recommendations in writing by means of a thesis.