Computer Science - Curriculum 368

Program Officer

Kehinde Adesanya "Kenny", CDR, USN

Glasgow Hall East, Room E309

(732) 485-6203

Academic Associate

Duane Davis, Ph.D.

Glasgow Hall, Room 212

(831) 656-2733, DSN 756-2733


Brief Overview

The Computer Science curriculum is designed to provide the officer with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to specify, evaluate, and manage computer system design; to provide technical guidance in applications ranging from data processing to tactical embedded systems; to educate the officer in the analysis and design methodologies appropriate for hardware, software, and firmware; and provide practical experience in applying modern computer equipment and research techniques to solve military problems.

The principles presented in the curriculum have two layers: computing mechanics deals with the workings of computations, communications, computers, and memories; and computing design deals with the ways of organizing software systems for simplicity, reliability, performance, security, and value.

Our curriculum also provides for concrete experience in computing practices—the skills and ways of thinking that mark a computing professional. These include programming, engineering of systems, modeling, and innovating. We offer a unique course called Technology, Innovation, and Leadership that teaches the practices and discipline of innovation.

The two dimensions—computing principles and practices—define the space in which the core technologies of computing exist and serve application domains: algorithms, architecture, artificial intelligence, database, networking, operating systems, security, and more.

Requirements for Entry

A baccalaureate degree, or the equivalent, with above average grades in mathematics, (including discrete math, and differential and integral calculus) resulting in an APC of at least 322 is required for direct entry. Undergraduate degrees in applied science or engineering are highly desirable. Students lacking these prerequisites may be acceptable for the program, through a "foundations" 12-week refresher quarter, provided that their undergraduate records and/or other indicators of success, such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), indicate an ability to work in quantitative subjects. While previous academic or practical experience in computer science is certainly helpful and can enhance the applicant's potential for admission, such experience is not a prerequisite.


Computer Science is an eight-quarter course of study with entry dates in March and September. Prospective students requiring a 12-week "foundations" refresher will begin study one quarter prior to those entry dates. If further information is needed, contact the Academic Associate or Program Officer for this curriculum. 


Master of Science in Computer Science

The degree of Master of Science in Computer Science is awarded after the satisfactory completion of a program which satisfies, as a minimum, the following degree requirements:

  1. At least 40 quarter hours of graduate-level work, of which at least 12 quarter hours must be at the 4000 level.
  2. At least 28 of the 40 graduate-level credit hours listed above must be CS, MOVES, SW courses.
  3. To ensure a sufficient breadth across the field of Computer Science, the following course topics must be satisfied as part of the course of study or through validation prior to graduation: Artificial Intelligence (CS3310), Networks (CS3502), Automata (CS3101), and Introduction to Computer Security (CS3600).
  4. Completion of an approved sequence of courses constituting specialization in an area of computer science.
  5. Completion of an acceptable thesis or a capstone project.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Computer Science degree are met as a milestone en-route to satisfying the Educational Skill Requirements established by the sponsor for the curricular program.


Completion of curriculum 368 qualifies a USN officer as a Computer Science Subspecialist with a subspecialty code of 6203P.

U.S. Marine Corps officers completing this curriculum fulfill the requirements for MOS 8846.

Typical Subspecialty Jobs

Computer Science Instructor, U.S. Naval Academy

Preoperational Test and Evaluation, SPAWAR, Washington, D.C.

Computer Systems Analyst, COMNAVSECGRU, Washington, D.C.

ADP Systems Director, Naval Security Group, Pensacola, FL

Chief SEID, Joint Staff, Washington, D.C.

Operational Test and Evaluation, COMOPTEVFOR

ADP System Security, NSA/CSS, Ft. Meade, MD

National Mission Team, NSA/CSS, Ft. Meade, MD

Typical Course of Study (24-Month Track)

Refresher Quarter 0 (If Required)

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS2020Introduction to Programming



CS2001Fundamentals of Computing Systems


Current: 3; New: 2

MA2025Bridge to Advanced Mathematics



NW3230Strategy and War



Quarter 1

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS2011Computing Systems Principles



CS3040Low Level Programming



OS3307Modeling Practices for Computing



CS3001Foundations of Computer Science



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



Quarter 2

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS3070Operating Systems



CS3021Introduction to Data Structures and Intermediate Programming



CS3200Computer Architecture



CS3502Computer Communications and Networks



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



Quarter 3

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS3101Theory of Formal Languages and Automata



CS3310Artificial Intelligence



CS3140Low-level Programming II



CS3600Introduction to Cybersecurity



CS4900Technology and Transformation I



Quarter 4

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS3250Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems



CS3150Design and Analysis of Algorithms



SW3460Software Methodology



CS4903Research Methods in Computer Science



Quarter 5

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS0810Thesis Research



ELECTBreadth Elective

CS3315Introduction to Machine Learning and Big Data



CS3004Human-Computer Interaction



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



Quarter 6

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS0810Thesis Research



Specialization Requirement

Specialization Requirement

NW3275Joint Maritime Operations - part 1



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



Quarter 7

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS0810Thesis Research



Specialization Requirement

Specialization Requirement

NW3276Joint Maritime Operations - part 2



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



Quarter 8

Course NumberTitleCreditsLecture HoursLab Hours
CS0810Thesis Research



Specialization Requirement

ELECTSpecialization Elective

NW3285Theater Security Decision Making



MN3331Principles of Acquisition and Program Management



CS4924Seminar Series in Computer Science and Cyber Systems and Operations



*JPME Requirements for Navy students only.

**PME Requirement for USMC students only. 

Specialization Options

Specialization Core Requirement courses will be determined by the selection of one of the following specialization options.

  • Cyber Security and Defense (CSD) - provides knowledge in all areas of Information Security (INFOSEC) and develops the necessary skills for those who will be involved in development, evolution, or implementation of secure computer systems.
  • Network and Mobility (N&M) - provides fundamental and advanced knowledge in network architecture and system software for real-time and multicomputer systems and in the rapidly growing areas of wireless networking, mobile devices, and related topics, including mobile computing and wireless security.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (AI&AS) - provides an understanding of artificial intelligence and human factors techniques for creating highly capable software agents that interact effectively with human users.
  • Software Engineering (SwE) - provides knowledge of all aspects of software development and develops skills needed to efficiently and reliably implement military systems and application software using the best available tools and techniques.
  • Cyber Operations (CO) - provides knowledge in all areas of security provisions, information assurance and situational awareness for computer systems, networks and ICS, and their integration with Defensive Cyber Operations, Offensive Cyber Operations, and DoD Global Information Grid Operations.
  • CS-MOVES - Students interested in an MSCS degree with a focus on Modeling, Simulation, and Virtual Environments (MOVES) may choose the CS-MOVES specialization. Specialization course work will be coordinated by the student working with his/her MOVES thesis advisor, and must be approved as part of the thesis proposal.

Educational Skill Requirements (ESR)

Computer Science - Curriculum 368

Subspecialty Code: 6203P

The Computer Science and System Design subspecialty code (6203) is intended to serve the Navy by providing commands with officers who possess expertise related to the specification, development, installation, maintenance, evaluation, security, and mission assurance of hardware and software computer systems and networks. The officer must have the theoretical knowledge and practical expertise to perform technical and operational oversight responsibilities related to computer systems. This knowledge and expertise supports operating the network as a warfighting platform, conducting tailored signals intelligence, delivering warfighting effects through cyberspace, and creating shared cyber situational analysis. Particular skills and competencies that constitute this subspecialty are detailed below:

  1. Fundamental Computer Science: Architectures, virtualization, operating systems, computer networks, high- and low-level languages and their translation, software systems, human-computer system interaction, and supporting mathematical foundations of Computer Science.
  2. Software Development: Planning and development of large software projects to include specification of requirements, design, technical documentation, configuration management, implementation, risk analysis, testing, quality assurance, maintenance, process metrics, and measures of effectiveness through the use of modern software engineering techniques and tools.
  3. Analysis: Application of scientific methods to determine reliability, efficiency and performance of computer systems; modeling, simulation, and analysis of algorithms, processes, and systems in support of Naval operations.
  4. Data Systems and Management: Devices, interfaces and interconnects; storage architectures and data organizations, addressing and indexing; continuity, backup and recovery; resilience; models, analytics, and visualization; large data sets, and data mining.
  5. Autonomous Systems: Design, construction, and operation of autonomous systems including unmanned vehicles; analysis tools for security, forensics and intelligence. Basic skills include artificial intelligence, knowledge management and representation, machine learning, heuristic search, and data mining.
  6. Cyber-Security and Cyber Operations: Development, implementation and management of security provisions, information assurance and situational awareness, and risk management framework for computer systems, networks and control systems, cloud infrastructure, and their integration with Defensive Cyber Operations, Offensive Cyber Operations, and DoD Information Network (DODIN) Operations.
  7. Networking and Distributed Computing: Modeling, design and implementation of network infrastructures for distributed and mobile systems. Application of distributed multi-core and multi-processor systems in High Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud computing configurations to support analysis, forensics, engineering, management, and other “big data” applications that apply to military operations.
  8. Specialization: In addition to the breadth obtained from the collection of previous items, the officer will complete a series of advanced courses that integrate computer science in DOD systems, software, and operations. This in-depth study conveys essential real-world complexities and details that are required to make informed decisions during every stage of computer systems’ lifecycles. Knowledge is deepened through thesis research in a framework that exercises the practices of innovation, problem solving, systems-thinking, and real-world application.

Joint Professional Military Education (JPME)

Per community requirements, the officer will have an understanding of warfighting within the context of operational art to include: strategy and war, theater security decision making, and joint maritime operations. Completing the Naval War College four-course series leading to Intermediate Level Professional Military Education and JPME phase I certification fulfills this requirement.