PH4656 Quantum Mechanics

Free particles and wave packets, the uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation, eigen states and eigen functions, stationary and scattering states, identical particles and the exclusion principle, atomic energy levels, quantum theory of angular momentum, hydrogen atom, coupling of angular momentum with spin, the periodic table, nuclear structure and radioactivity; fission and fusion, time independent perturbation theory, time dependent perturbation theory; selection rules for dipole radiation, magnetic effects (MRI, GMR etc.), quantum computing.


PH2652, PH3152, PH3991

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe why classical mechanics fails in the quantum regime
  • Describe the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics
  • Use properties of the wavefunction to solve problems; these properties include:
    • Normalization
    • The uncertainty principle
    • Continuous versus discrete variables
  • Solve time-independent potential problems using the Schrödinger equation including:
    • Infinite Square Well
    • Harmonic oscillator
    • Free particle
  • Solve simple quantum mechanical problems in 3-dimensions
  • Describe the concept of “spin”
  • Describe how to handle systems of identical particles
  • Solve problems using non-degenerate, time-independent perturbation theory
  • Describe basic concepts in entanglement