OC3300 Ocean Policy

Students will study ocean policy issues as they relate to the use and restriction of use of waters, both international and national, by the U.S. Navy and joint forces. The course will include an introduction to the institutions and players involved in the policy formulation; the policy making process; implementation, enforcement, and compliance; and consequences and effectiveness. Several questions relevant to Navy operations will be addressed: What are the consequences of the current policy structure (protected areas, impeded exercises, etc.)? How do we operate under these policies? What alternatives exist? How do we influence the policies? Students will become familiar with current issues for the Navy Environmental Readiness staff (OPNAV N45), current policy issues for the Oceanographer of the Navy staff (OPNAV N84), with current Navy guidance on environmental programs and protections, and with the reports and recommendations of the several national-level commissions on the ocean. Prerequisites: None.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours