EC2450 Accelerated Review of Signals and Systems

An advanced review of continuous and discrete system theory intended for students who have previous education in these areas. Topics covered by each student will depend upon background and competence in the subject matter of EC2400, EC2410, and EC2320. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.


Sufficient background in linear systems theory.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

·       Signals: Definitions and Classifications

·       Impulse (continuous and discrete time), exponentials, sinusoids

·       Analog and Digital Frequencies

·       A First View at the Sampling Theorem

·       Systems: General Definitions and Classifications

·       Linear Time Invariant Systems, Convolution

·       Discrete Time Systems: z-Transform

·       Response of a Linear Time Invariant System using the z-Transform

·       Response to Complex Exponentials and Frequency Response

·       Fourier Analysis in Discrete Time: Periodic Signals

·       Expansion of Discrete Time Periodic Signals: the Discrete Fourier Series (DFS)

·       Expansion of Finite Length Signals: the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

·       Expansion of General Discrete Time Signals: the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)

·       Fourier Analysis in Continuous Time: Fourier Series

·       Extension to Non Periodic Signals: the Fourier Transform (FT)

·       Sampling of Continuous Time Signals: the Sampling Theorem