International Graduate Programs Office

The International Graduate Programs Office is responsible for the cultural, social and academic integration of the international community. The office is charged with interacting with outside agencies, military and civilian to accomplish the goals of the Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training (JSCET) Program and the Field Studies Program (FSP). Additionally, it is responsible for the International Sponsor Program and acts as the Command Sponsor to the International Executive Committee.  It also serves as the Admissions Office for sponsored international applicants.

Since 1954, over 6697 International officers and government sponsored civilians from over 126 countries have graduated from NPS. Many have gone on to achieve positions of prominence within their military services, governments, and private industry. The International Program at NPS serves as an integral link in establishing the long-term military-to-military relationships between our U.S. and international officers. The International Graduate Programs Office sponsors the following courses:

IT1500 Informational Program Seminar for International Officers (4-0)

Provides international students with an awareness and functional understanding of internationally recognized human rights and the American democratic way of life. Areas of emphasis introduced during the seminar include civil-military relations, human rights, relationships in a democratic society, and a comparative look at the U.S. free enterprise system.

IT1600 Communication Skills for International Officers (3-0)

Provides the opportunity to enhance English speaking and listening skills for professional and academic environments through exercises, group discussions, and instructional briefings on a variety of subjects.  The course addresses pronunciation, fluency, idiomatic usage, cultural conventions, and language functions by incorporating texts, videos, and realia to improve collaborative interaction. Building reading and writing skills is part of the course but not the main focus.

IT1700 Academic Writing for International Officers (3-0)

Prepares international students for the task of writing a research papers and/or thesis for an American institution of higher-education.  A vigorous dedication to the writing process (pre-writing, writing, revision, and proofing) is required.  The course covers the rhetorical considerations and styles of academic writing by examining appropriate organization, content, audience consideration, voice, and source citation in anticipation of degree coursework.  Analysis and discussion of sample articles and essays from a variety of sources are important elements supporting skills development.  Students should expect to devote up to six (6) non-instructional hours each week completing assignments. 

The point of contact for requests to the International Graduate Programs office is:

Danial Pick, COL, USA (Ret)

Director, International Graduate Programs Office

Commercial: (831) 656-2186

DSN 756-2186

Fax: (831) 656-3064
