Course Codes

Courses are designated by an alphanumeric symbol consisting of two letters and four numbers. The first two letters designate the academic department, committee or group that offers the course and are defined as follows:

Course Prefix Academic Group Name Dept or Academic Group Prefix
AE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE
CC Information Sciences IS
CS Computer Science CS
CY Information Sciences IS
DA Defense Analysis DA
EC Electrical and Computer Engineering EC
EN Energy Academic Group EAG
EO Electrical and Computer Engineering EC
FL National Security Affairs NS
GB Department of Defense Management DDM
GE Department of Defense Management DDM
IO Information Sciences IS
IS Information Sciences IS
IT International Programs Office (IPO) INT
IW Information Sciences IS
MA Mathematics MA
ME Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE
MN Department of Defense Management DDM
MO Mathematics MA
MR Meteorology MR
MS Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE
MV Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation MOVES
MX Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE
NS National Security Affairs NS
NW Naval War College (NW) NW
OA Operations Research OR
OC Oceanography OC
OS Operations Research OR
PC Physics PH
PH Physics PH
SE Systems Engineering SE
SI Systems Engineering SE
SO Defense Analysis DA
SS Space Systems SP
SW Computer Science CS
TS Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE
UW Undersea Warfare USWAG