SW4591 Requirements Engineering

This is an in-depth treatment of requirements engineering concepts, methods, and tools. The role of requirements engineering within software engineering is explored as well as consistency, cost-benefit analysis, resolving multiple viewpoints, dependency tracing, and automated decision support. Topics are reinforced with examples from DoD applications. Prototyping is introduced as a means of assessing requirements early in the design process.


SW3460 or consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the stakeholders for a proposed system.
  • Integrate requirements viewpoints from different stakeholders.
  • Document requirements using both informal and formal requirements modeling techniques.
  • Derive test cases from formal requirements.
  • Clarify informal requirements using test cases.
  • Estimate project costs based on formal requirements models.
  • Identify open issues in requirements.
  • Design a prototype to resolve a given open requirement issue.
  • Use storyboarding to elicit unstated requirements.