OA3401 Human Factors in System Design

This course will provide an introduction to the field of Human Factors with an emphasis on military systems. Humans are the most important element of any military system. Consequently, the design of effective systems must take into account human strengths and limitations as well as considerations of human variability. The course surveys human factors and human-centered design and system effectiveness and safety. Topics include human cognition and performance as they are influenced physiological, anthropometric and environmental considerations.

Cross Listed Courses


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Describe and apply methods for analysis of human-technological systems.
  • Describe human physical, cognitive and psychological capabilities and limitations as they relate to human roles in complex systems.
  • Describe and apply theories, methods and principles of human factors engineering as they relate to systems engineering.
  • Evaluate and apply human factors engineering research, reports, principles and standards relevant for systems engineering and human systems integration.