NU4809 Reactor Dynamics

Fission reactions. The neutron lifecycle model in a reactor core using both the 4 and 6 factor approach. Neutron diffusion theory and the differential equations for the neutron flux in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical reactors. The design of the reactor fuel distribution (including neutron poisons) to optimize the neutron flux along with strategies to prolong the lifetime of the fuel over the expected life of the core. The startup, shutdown and control of the reactor core by using neutron-absorbing materials in control rods and the concept of reactivity. The effect of temperature, pressure, and concentration of fission product poisons on reactivity. Detailed calculations for determining the position of control rods for maintaining a critical reaction. Steady state and transient behavior of critical reactors. Emphasis is placed on criticality control by delayed neutrons in the six-group model. (This course number and title represent course content taught at Naval Nuclear Power School and not at Naval Postgraduate School. Credit will be granted for students enrolled in a NPS graduate studies program.) Graded pass/fail only.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours