MV3923 Introduction to Research in Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation

This seminar course will explore the thesis research process and the resulting thesis documents. We will review the research process from identifying a problem to developing a research plan to executing the plan and documenting the results. We will discuss the details of how to conduct research and then how to publish it. The course is designed to provide MOVES students with the essential tools they will need to successfully complete a thesis. Includes readings and exercises.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Identify a modeling and simulation topic suitable for a formal research program for execution.
  • Formulate suitable research questions for the research topic with associated measures.
  • Evaluate existing research literature related to the chosen topic for possible inclusion as background support for the new topic of study.
  • Develop a research approach and plan to execute the research and answer posed questions.
  • Characterize the different paradigms of modeling and simulation research and understand in which context to apply each.
  • Recognize ethical issues in research and how to appropriately address these.
  • Synthesize research results into a coherent publication.