MS4312 Characterization of Advanced Materials

This course is structured to provide an insight into the various tools available for advanced physical examination of engineering materials. Topics covered include thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and optical, scanning, transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopies as well as various spectroscopic techniques.


MS3202 or consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Educational Objectives / Course Learning Outcomes
(Specific Knowledge, Skills & Abilities)


At the completion of the course students will be able to:

·       Understand the basic operational principles of thermal analysis, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction techniques and basics of spectroscopy.

·       Realize the capabilities and limitations of these materials characterization methods.

·       Gain first-hand experience on sample preparation and instrument operation.

·       Develop the skills to obtain qualitative and quantitative data from various techniques through the development of a laboratory project.

·       Analyze the data outcome of the use of the techniques and recognize how that data could aid material selection for a given application, provide quality evaluation or insight of materials properties.

·       Appreciate the choice of using appropriate techniques including complimentary methods in materials evaluation.

·       Understand how other scientists and engineers use the techniques through a literature review (journal articles presented in class).