EO4612 Microwave Devices, Propagation, and Radar Systems

The radar range equation is developed in a form including signal integration, the effects of target cross section, fluctuations, and propagation losses. Laboratory sessions deal with basic pulse radar systems from which the advanced techniques have developed. Microwave transmitters, receivers, and components are discussed.  Modeling of the propagation environment and the target scattering characteristics are covered. Propagation channels covered include the troposphere, ionosphere and ground waves.


EO3602 (may be concurrent) or consent of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • The student will be able to list the tradeoffs between the various frequency bands and their radar applications.
  • The student will be able to use the basic radar range equation to calculate the radar system maximum detection range, and quantify the tradeoffs in radar system parameters.
  • Given the parameters of a pulsed radar waveform, the student will be able to calculate the maximum unambiguous range and range resolution.
  • Given the configuration of a receiver and the noise performance characteristics of mixers and amplifiers, the student will be able to calculate the receiver noise temperature or noise figure.
  • For the student calculate unambiguous velocity and target velocity resolution given the waveform parameters.
  • For the student to use commonly available design curves or software to make tradeoffs involving detection probability, probability of false alarm and received signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Given the characteristics of a propagation channel and the radar system parameters, the student will be able to determine propagation loss.
  • Given a set of operational requirements, the student will be able to do a system level radar system design.
  • For an infinite flat ground consisting of a specified material, the student will be able to predict the multipath signal at a target’s location and use coverage diagrams.
  • The student will be able to determine whether a target is in the interference region or diffraction region for a curved Earth and compute the signal strength given the appropriate equations or charts.
  • Given data on the electron density of the ionosphere and the student will be able to compute the maximum usable frequency and the hop distance of a skywave path.
  • The student will be able to estimate the propagation characteristics of paths in urban environments and be able to compute the path loss given the appropriate equations (e.g. the Hata model).