Honor Code

Despite the varied backgrounds of our student body, all NPS students are expected to uphold the highest standard of honesty and integrity and must follow the academic honor code at all times. Plagiarism, fraud, cheating, and verbal or written misrepresentation constitute violations of the Academic Honor Code. Instructor-authorized group activities/projects should rightly acknowledge the efforts of all respective participants. Unless faculty clearly state that consultation/cooperation in an assignment or course is permissible, all work must be exclusively from the student(s) listed on the document for all graded work. Any restrictions placed by the instructor on the materials that may be used by a student in preparation for and performance of all graded work, must be followed.

While no single list can identify and define all types of academic honor code standards, the following are cited as examples of unacceptable behavior:

  1. Cheating - Using unauthorized notes, study aids, or information on an examination; looking at another student's paper during an examination; altering a graded work after it has been returned, then resubmitting it for re-grading; allowing another person to do one's work and submitting it under one's own name.
  2. Plagiarism - Submitting material that in part or whole is not entirely one's own work without attributing those same portions to their correct source. Student shall ensure all references are properly cited.
  3. Fabrication - Falsifying or inventing any information, data, or citation.
  4. Obtaining an Unfair Advantage - Gaining access to examination materials prior to the time authorized by the instructor; unauthorized collaboration on an academic assignment; possessing, using or circulating previously given examination materials where those materials clearly indicate that they are to be returned to the instructor at the conclusion of the examination.

Appropriate disciplinary action may include disenrollment, fitness report comments, and/or a letter to appropriate government agencies or official service branches, and degree revocation if a violation was discovered after a student graduated. Individuals suspecting Academic Honor Code violations are required to inform the appropriate academic/curricular officials.