CS4537 Wireless Data Services

Tremendous progress has been made in mobile device and wireless networking technologies. Many different PDAs, cell phones, smartphones and specialized devices have been introduced in the market place, and been enthusiastically adopted by millions of people around the world. Wireless networking technology development and adoption has moved even faster! The combination of mobile devices and wireless networking lends itself to data applications that can make a significant difference in a wide variety of application areas. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the issues, technologies and applications related to wireless data services. In addition to other topics, this course will cover wireless internet, SMS, MMS, WAP, iMODE, J2ME, and BREW.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Explain trade-offs among different transport mechanisms for implementing data services.
  • Recommend suitable data services based on application requirements.
  • Design mechanisms for syncing up data across multiple devices.
  • Understand the issues of mobility management for handheld devices.
  • Support the planning and development of applications intended for use in mobile settings.
  • Understand the issue of security in data transport in mobile devices.